On January 10, 2023, Fort Stockton McCoy’s store manager Jimmy Mac McCasland presented a $3,000.00 check to Leadership Fort Stockton.

The Leadership Fort Stockton program has served Fort Stockton since 1995 with a comprehensive introduction to community service and leadership opportunities, equipping our community with enthusiastic leaders who are:
1) educated about the needs and offerings in the community,
2) eager and able to take on leadership roles in various sectors.
Leadership Fort Stockton offers both an adult and a youth program.
The Youth Leadership program runs throughout the school year and is open to any high school senior. The program instills in youth the importance of community involvement and a desire to serve their community, providing community learning and volunteer experience. Three participants receive scholarships upon successful completion of the program.
The adult Leadership program provides professional and personal growth opportunities through education and experience. Each class begins in September with a 3-day retreat where participants gain valuable insight into their community and experience personal and team growth. The program runs through May with a monthly education day, and leadership and volunteer requirements throughout the year. We encourage businesses to enroll managers and team leaders in the Leadership Fort Stockton program – participants gain valuable leadership skills and develop community connections that benefit both themselves and their employers.
The Leadership program is made possible by the support of generous community individuals and businesses like McCoy’s, who believe in the future of Fort Stockton and in “growing our own” leaders.