All events of the Fort Stockton Chamber of Commerce, including the Comanche Springs Rodeo, are made possible by the hard work of volunteers. No one is paid to work at or coordinate any event, and our volunteers put in many long hours behind the scenes, with the only compensation being a job well done, and the betterment of our community as a whole. We also partner with other organizations, whose volunteers work these events on behalf of their own organizations. When you support Chamber programs and events, you support a wide range of civic and community organizations as well!
The Comanche Springs Rodeo is one of our most labor-intensive events. While sponsors make the event possible monetarily, it takes a large team of volunteers to do the work of bringing the rodeo to Fort Stockton every year. In celebration of the upcoming National Volunteer Week (April 17-23), we highlight a few of the committees and organizations that made the 2022 Rodeo possible. Since ALL of our events are non-profit, funds generated at them support the programs and services of the volunteer organizations involved. By attending these events, you are giving back to your community with every soda or ticket you purchase!
The Comanche Springs Rodeo Committee works year-round, securing sponsors, planning events and activities around the event, and ensuring the facilities are ready. They receive NO compensation for this – and even buy their own shirts! One member, Arna McCorkle, was recognized in 2021 by the United Professional Rodeo Association (UPRA) as Committee Person of the Year! The entire committee was working on making the 2023 rodeo bigger, better, and even MORE fun before the 2022 event was even over. Besides doing all of the planning and scheduling of the rodeo, every committee member was on hand throughout all 3 days of the rodeo making sure everything was on schedule and runningly smoothly.

Remie Ramos, Arna McCorkle, Rhonda Golliher, Letricia Slater, Tom Chapman, and Bob Hayter

It takes a LOT of people to run booths and events during the rodeo. Far more than the Chamber alone has available. By partnering with other organizations, not only does the work get done, but all of the involved organizations benefit.
This year, we were so lucky to have over 30 volunteers, from 6 different organizations.
Our Board of Directors takes an active role in all programs and events, volunteering to work events. Many of our current Directors were working the rodeo this year.
The Lilah Smith Safe House volunteers ran the bar at the rodeo dances. Lilah Smith Safe House provides free services to adult survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence and their minor children. They offer emergency shelter, advocacy, case management, safety planning, support groups, prevention education, and more. All tips and after-expense proceeds from beer and soda/water sales at the dances supported their organization.

Pictured (left to right): Erica Gonzalez (Lilah Smith Safe House), Arna McCorkle (Fort Stockton Chamber of Commerce),
Norma Sanchez (Lilah Smith Safe House), Letricia Slater (Comanche Springs Rodeo Committee),
and Remie Ramos (Comanche Springs Rodeo Committee).
Frontier CASA ran the door at the Dance on Friday night. Frontier CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) believes that a child’s right to a safe, permanent home should be acted on by the court in a sensitive, expedient manner. Frontier CASA is a non-profit organization that provides trained community volunteers to represent the child’s best interest in the court and serves abused and neglected children in Brewster, Culberson, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis, Pecos, Presidio and Reeves Counties.
Leadership Fort Stockton, Leadership Alumni, and Chamber Ambassadors coordinated and manned the Hospitality Room, the Rodeo drinks bar, and the ticket booth. Tips and after-expense proceeds from the bar supported both of these groups. The Leadership Fort Stockton program provides both professional and personal growth opportunities through education and experience for adults (over age 18) in the community. Participants gain useful leadership skills and develop community connections that benefit not only themselves but their employers.
Youth Leadership Fort Stockton manned the doors and assisted in the hospitality room and at the ticket booth, earning volunteer hours credit towards the completion of their class. The Youth Leadership program provides community learning and volunteer experience to high school seniors, with scholarship opportunities upon successful completion of the class.
We encourage everyone to volunteer – besides the groups mentioned above, there are many organizations in our community that NEED you.
With so many good causes, you will find a perfect fit for your interests, skills, and schedule.
YOU can help make Fort Stockton a better place to live and work in!
Non-profit organizations rely on volunteers to accomplish day-to-day objectives and reach long-term goals. Most would not be able to do the important work they do without the power of volunteer work. Volunteering offers vital help to people in need, worthwhile causes, and the community, but the benefits can be even greater for you, the volunteer. The right match can help you to find friends, connect with the community, learn new skills, and even advance your career. Giving to others can also help protect your mental and physical health. It can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose.
Volunteering doesn’t have to involve a long-term commitment or take a huge amount of time out of your busy day. Giving in even simple ways can help those in need and improve your health and happiness!
If you aren’t sure where to start, come see us at the Fort Stockton Chamber of Commerce and we will try to get you in contact with the right organization for you!