The 2022-2023 Youth Leadership class celebrated graduation on March 10 with a luncheon at the Fort Stockton Chamber of Commerce. In order to graduate from the Leadership program, the students must attend at least 7 monthly class meetings and perform community service throughout the school year. All 23 students enrolled in the Youth Leadership program completed all requirements this year. Over 2,000 hours of community service were performed by the class during the school year, with some students contributing over 200 hours each.
At the graduation celebration, each was presented with an official Youth Leadership pin, certificate, and small gifts from the Youth Leadership program leaders Arna McCorkle and Letricia Slater. They enjoyed a delicious meal provided by Letricia Slater and Remie Ramos, and topped it all off with cake and ice cream. We are very proud of the entire class and know they will all go far, becoming leaders and exemplary community-minded citizens!
2022-2023 Youth Leadership Class
(Pictured above left to right)
Hunter Daniels
Victoria Soto
Carolina Sauceda
Melissa Villarreal
Richard Rojas
Adree Bueno
Katheryn Mendoza
Jaden Arcides
Angelina Aguirre
Eliana Mata
Krystian Rodriquez
Aria Rojas
Fernando Corrales
Ray Dulaney
Alisa Bustos
Jessica Meierhoff
Not in picture:
Whitney Tarin
Jacob Pacheco
Jacinda Gonzalez
Quentin Norman
Jennika Paz
Everardo Sandoval
Keanna Torres
The students with the top 3 community service hours are eligible for scholarships. This year’s scholarship recipients are
$1,500 Scholarship – Jaden Arcides
$1,000 Scholarship – Carolina Sauceda
$500 Scholarship – Whitney Tarin

Leadership Fort Stockton is a Fort Stockton Chamber of Commerce program supported by donations and class fundraisers. Leadership Fort Stockton aims to prepare future leaders by instilling in class participants the value of community service and knowledge about the various aspects of community history, services, and government. Enrollment for the 2023-2024 Leadership classes is now open – for more information contact the Chamber at (432) 336-2264 or visit to download application forms.